Werkbank Geesteswetenschappen

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Projecten Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen VU

In de Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen van de VU worden de laatste jaren diverse projecten uitgevoerd met een belangrijke digital humanities component. Op deze pagina wordt daarvan een beknopt overzicht gegeven.

Het Computational Lexicology & Terminology Lab van de Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen is partner bij veel van de hieronder genoemde projecten en is ook zelf uitvoerder van veel projecten. Zie de overzichten van lopende en afgeronde projecten onder het menu-item 'Projects' op de website van CLTL.


The aim of Agora is to develop a social platform in which museum objects can be placed into an explicit (art)historic context. Through the (art)historic context, objects from highly diverse museum collections can be related, resulting in a more complete and illustrated description of historical events. End-users will also be allowed to create their own personal narratives which will lead to theoretical reflection on the meaning of digitally mediated public history in contemporary society.


The goal of the BiographyNet project is to create a semantic knowledge base by extracting links between people, historic events, places and time periods from a variety of Dutch biographical dictionaries.

Creative Industries in the Dutch Republic

Creative Industries in the Dutch Republic is integrating different datasets on books on the Dutch Republic in 1660-1750 in order to research innovative market strategies of the early modern history of the creative industries. See also the research report Innovative Strategies in a Stagnating Market: Dutch Book Trade 1660-1750.

Semantics of History

The research project Semantics of History develops a historical ontology and a lexicon that are used in a new type of information system that can handle the time-based dynamics and varying perspectives in historical archives. The system will integrate new insights in the ontological and linguistic analysis of the data that will follow from empirical and fundamental research.

Verrijkt Koninkrijk

Dr Loe de Jong's Het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden in de Tweede Wereldoorlog remains the most appealing history of German occupied Dutch society (1940-1945). Published between 1969 and 1991, the 30 volumes still combine the qualities of an authoritative work for a general audience, and an inevitable point of reference for scholars. The aim of this project is twofold; in the demonstrator part of the project advanced tools and techniques are applied to gather data on De Jong's perception of the much debated issue of pillarization (Dutch: 'verzuiling') and group identity. In the resource curation part of the project the corpus will be enriched and made available to the CLARIN-community for further research.

Overige pagina's in deze rubriek: Introductie   Implicaties   Literatuur   Initiatieven