* |
AntConc is a program that can be used to examine how words behave in
texts. Important features of AntConc are making concordances and word
frequency lists. |
* |
ArcGIS is a geographic information system (GIS) that can be used to
create digital maps, among other things, and link them to database information
with a geographic component. |
** |
Atlas.ti is a tool for the qualitative analysis of textual, audio and
video data. |
* |
CLAN is a program that can be used to annotate and explore corpora
in CHILDES format. |
COREX is the CORpus EXploitation software that can be used to explore
the Corpus Gesproken Nederlands (CGN). |
E-Prime is a program that can be used for stimulus response
experiments that require precise timing (1 millisecond). |
* I |
eMargin is a simple online program that can be used to annotate the
contents of text files. Although it can be used by one person, it was
developed specially for collaborative annotation. |
ICECUP is a program that can be used to explore the British English
section of the International Corpus of English (ICE-GB). This corpus
has been fully syntactically analysed. |
LIWC is a text analysis program that calculates the degree to which people
use different linguistic and psychological categories of words across a wide array of texts.
Microsoft Access S |
Microsoft Access is a database program that can be used for the
classification and analysis of all kinds of data. |
Microsoft Excel S |
Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program that can be used for the
classification and analysis of data in a single table. |
Morae is software for usability testing and user experience research. The
program saves the user's interaction with the computer (through both
keyboard and camera) and assists in the analysis of the data obtained. |
NoteTab is a text editor with some useful extra features, such
as extended find and replace queries and HTML code removal. |
Praat is a program that can be used to analyse, synthesize and
manipulate speech, and to create high-quality images for publications.
* I |
Qualtrics is an online survey program that provides a safe, simple,
but very elaborate environment for the creation of online questionnaires.
* |
R is an advanced software environment with a large number of
pre-programd statistical functions and graphics modules. |
Soundscriber * |
Soundscriber is a simple program that supports the process of
transcribing digitized audio files. |
S |
SPSS is a program for statistical analysis. |
Tools * I |
ThesisTools is a simple program for creating and conducting online
questionnaires. |
Toolbox * |
Toolbox is a program that can be used to manage and analyse data for
linguistic field research. |
Transana is a program that supports the transcription and analysis
of audio and video material. |
Tools I |
Voyant Tools is a web-based analysis environment for digital texts in
a variety of formats. |
Grep * |
Windows Grep is a program that can be used to search text files
using complex search queries. |
WordSmith is a suite of programs that can be used to examine
how words behave in texts. Important components of WordSmith are the
concordance program and the word frequency program. |
* |
XMLPad is a simple XML editor that can be used to create and edit XML annotations
in a text. |