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Digital heritage initiatives
The focus here is on Dutch initiatives.
DEN Foundation
DEN (Kennisinstituut Digitale Cultuur) supports cultural and heritage institutions to improve their digital strategies and services. The sharing of knowledge of and experiences with ICT is a core mission of DEN. Furthermore, DEN encourages the institutions to invest in open technology, to implement ICT-standards and to make use of other tools that contribute to sustainable information services. N.B. Most information on the website of DEN is given in Dutch.
Continuous Access To Cultural Heritage
In the Dutch CATCH programme, IT researchers and heritage managers work together on making heritage available digitally. The programme encourages collaboration, innovation and the transfer of knowledge. CATCH stands for Continuous Access to Cultural Heritage. The aim of the programme is to make the collections of museums, archives and historical associations, for example, more accessible.
The main purpose of CATCHPlus is to valorise scientific research results to usable tools and services for the entire Dutch heritage sector.
The mission of the DigiCULT project is to benefit the Cultural Heritage sector, through monitoring and assessing existing and emerging technologies that provide opportunities to optimise the development, access to, and preservation of Europe's rich cultural and scientific heritage, within the emerging digital cultural economy.
Digital archiving
Information of the Dutch National Archive about archiving born digital material in governement archives.
Digitization projects in the National Library of the Netherlands (KB)
Information about the KB's policy on digitization and about a number of current digitization
Memory of the Netherlands
and Europeana
The Memory of the Netherlands ((Het Geheugen van Nederland) is a database containing paintings, drawings, photographs, sculptures, ceramics, stamps, posters and newspaper clippings from more than a hundred Dutch museums, archives and libraries. The material in Europeana comes from galleries, libraries, archives and museums from all over Europe that want to share their collections with a wider audience.