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Online grammars


The E-ANS is the electronic version of the second, revised edition of the Algemene Nederlandse Spraakkunst (the ANS), which was published in 1997.

Taalportaal (or Language Portal) is an interactive knowledge base (in English) about Dutch, Frisian and Afrikaans. It provides access to a comprehensive and authoritative scientific grammar for these three languages.


The Internet Grammar of English
The Internet Grammar of English is an online course in English grammar written primarily for university undergraduates.

The interactive Grammar of English (iGE)
iGE is a complete grammar of the English Language, specifically designed for mobile devices and currently available for iPhone 3 and 4, iPod Touch and iPad. The App is partly based on the Internet Grammar of English (see above), but thoroughly updated, revised and expanded.

English Grammar (Wikibook)
This Wikibook is designed to teach standard English Grammar as taught in English-speaking countries.


Grammaire française en ligne
Manuels sur les règles d'écriture et usages du français.


grammis ist ein multimediales Internet-Informationssystem zur deutschen Grammatik. Es richtet sich an alle, die Erklärungen und Hintergrundwissen zu grammatischen Erscheinungen suchen, also insbesondere an Studierende, Lehrende und Sprachwissenschaftler.

ProGr@mm (die Propädeutische Grammatik) ist ein Lernsystem zur Grammatik des Deutschen, das für die universitäre Lehre konzipiert wurde.


Libro digital Herramientas de español
A concise outline of essential Spanish grammar structures based on John Turner's All the Spanish Grammar You Really Need to Know.

ONOMA es el primer conjugador de lengua española que te informa de cómo va a funcionar un verbo recién creado. Además te informa de las irregularidades que tiene un verbo, las personas y tiempos afectados y muestra la explicación teórica de las mismas.

Other topics in this section: Lexical data   Linguistic lexicons   Text corpora