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This section describes the various tools that are available to staff and students of our Faculty to support the creation, curation, collection and analysis of digital data. The tool list
provides information about the specific tools that are used in our Faculty, including both commercial tools for which the VU has a license and freeware tools (both computer and web based) that are used in various courses and research projects. The descriptions are quite practical, giving information about the use of the program, and, where possible, include links to manuals and tutorials.
Next to these specific tools, three more generic tools are described that can be employed in many stages of the research proces and for many types of analysis:
Programming, which offers scholars the possibily to create their own data processing or analytical programs or scripts and thus go beyond the boundaries of standard software.
Databases and XML, which can be used for the storage, processing and analysis of structured data.
Finally, a separate overview page summarizes a number of different tools for data visualisation, which have become an increasingly important aspect of various types of analysis described in this workbench.
Other tool lists
On the internet a number of more general tool lists are available, some of which are more extensive than the VU list.
Digital Research Tools (DIRT)
The DiRT Directory is a registry of digital research tools for scholarly use. DiRT makes it easy for digital humanists and others conducting digital research to find resources by category.
Digital Humanities Tools (DH Toychest)
Online or downloadable tools that are free, free to students, or have generous trial periods without tight usage constraints, watermarks, or other spoilers. Bias toward tools that can be run online or installed on a personal computer without needing an institutional server.
Research tools for studying texts.