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Zwolle, Canons Regular: Windesheim
The Protestant Church of Windesheim is the former brewery of the monastery Full Map on Geoplaza.
Parish: Zwolle
Municipality: Zwolle
Patron Saint: Our Lady
Alias: Windesheim
Diocese: Utrecht
Diocese II: Deventer
Province: Oversticht
Province II:
Gender: m
Development: (a) Canons Regular 1387*
(b) foundation of the Chapter of Chapter of Windesheim 1395*
Filiation: founded by the Brethren's House of Deventer (D21), instruction in the monastic life of the first canons in Eemstein (D01)
End of monastic life: ca. 1581
Narrative Sources (CK): 215; 301; 409; cp. 54
Narrative Sources (NS): NL0316; NL0318; vgl. NL0090; NL0319; NL0322
Manuscripts (SV): 1315-1318
Archives: HCO: inventory 1082
Literature: Mon. Wind. III, 476-512; Berkenvelder a.o. (1987); Hendrikman a.o. (1996)
Third Order: -
Monasticon Batavum: II 206-207 s.v. Windesheim
MeMO: 433
Van Deventer: not
National monument: 41907
Coordinates: 206/496C
Archaeological Monument: 13345 ?
Archaeological Status: hav
Archaeological Activities: survey 1976
Archaeological Publication: Ter Kuile (1974) 72-73; Mon. Wind. III 496; Klomp (2003)
First mention: 1387
Last mention: 1581
ENK code: ME-P041-073

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