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Zandwijk, Dominican Nuns: Westroijen
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Parish: Zandwijk
Municipality: Tiel
Patron Saint: Our Lady
Alias: Mariawee (= Our Lady's Sorrow). Westroijen
Diocese: Utrecht
Diocese II: Utrecht
Province: Guelders
Province II:
Gender: f
Development: (a) Dominican Nuns 1435*, in place of the Dominicans (Z05)
(b) Congregatio Hollandiae ca. 1470 ?
(c) province of Germania Inferior 1515*
Filiation: Dominican Nuns from Wijk-bij-Duurstede (W23)
End of monastic life: devastated in 1573*; the Dominican Nuns join St Caecilia in nearby Tiel (T09); 1578* merger of the two communities; 1579*: financial contribution to the Reformed cult 1595*: income transformed into prebends, extinction ordered
Narrative Sources (CK): 196
Narrative Sources (NS): NL0181
Manuscripts (SV): -
Archives: -
Literature: Van Schaïk (1987) 298; Wolfs (1988) 69-81 s.v. Tiel (Westroijen)
Third Order: -
Monasticon Batavum: II 182 s.v. Tiel nr. 3
MeMO: 380
Van Deventer: Tiel: 'Wester Oyen'
National monument:
Coordinates: 158/435C
Archaeological Monument:
Archaeological Status:
Archaeological Activities: excav 1974; drill inquiry 2017
Archaeological Publication: Halbertsma (1975); Wolfs (1984) 240/1; Wolfs (1988) 72; Boreel (2018)
First mention: 1435
Last mention: 1595
ENK code: ME-Z036-006

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