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Venlo, Tertiaries: Genooi
Aftee their departure for a downtown location the Sisters of the Annunciation had this Loretto Chapel built in Genooi. This developed into a pilgrimage centre Full Map on Geoplaza.
Parish: Venlo
Municipality: Venlo
Patron Saint: Our Lady and Catharine
Alias: Catharinadal; Mariëndal (= St Catherine's / Our Lady's Vale).Ingen Oy / In den Oode / Genooi
Diocese: Liège
Diocese II: Roermond
Province: Guelders
Province II: Gelre (Spaans, later Staats)
Gender: f
Development: (a) Tertiaries 1410*, north of the town
(b) in 1582* flight to Roermond
(c) in 1586* return to Ingen Oy
(d) in 1599* to Venlo in former Trans Cedron (V09)
(e) 1614* transition to the Sisters of the Annunciation
Filiation: no involvement of an older convent recorded
End of monastic life: 1797*
Narrative Sources (CK): -
Narrative Sources (NS): -
Manuscripts (SV): 1221
Archives: Maastricht, RHCL: 14.D060
Literature: Zr. Hereswitha (1975) 128; Van Rensch (1981 7-11); Van Schaïk (1987) 301; Hermans (1999) 98; Marit Monteiro in: BiN III, 217-229 s.v. Genooi; Hoebens (2017) nr. 2.8 (deviating report) en 2.9
Third Order: -
Monasticon Batavum: I 190 nr. 3; S 158 nr. 3; II 197 nr. 7
MeMO: -
Van Deventer: minute: chapel; 'Nue'
National monument: 37208
Coordinates: 209/378B
Archaeological Monument: 8339
Archaeological Status: vhav
Archaeological Activities: digging 1981
Archaeological Publication:
First mention: 1410
Last mention: 1797
ENK code: ME-Z207-121

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