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Utrecht, Premonstratensian Canonesses: Wittevrouwen
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Parish: Utrecht-Buurkerk
Municipality: Utrecht
Patron Saint: Mary Magdalen
Alias: Wittevrouwen (= White Ladies)
Diocese: Utrecht
Diocese II: Utrecht
Province: Nedersticht
Province II: Utrecht
Gender: f
Development: (a) Magdalenes shortly after 1226
(b) transition to the status of Premonstratensian Canonesses between 1326 and 1365*, without incorporation into the order
(c ) after 1580 convent life was continued for some time; the possessions were ceded to the Knighthood; protestantised and transformed into a college of Secular Canonesses
Filiation: The circumstances of the foundation as convent of Magdalenes are unknown; transition to Premonstratensian status without formal connection with the order
End of monastic life: dissolution 1797*
Narrative Sources (CK): -
Narrative Sources (NS): -
Manuscripts (SV): -
Archives: 1005-5
Literature: Van Campen (1975); Van Hulzen (1986) 57-61; Van Tongerloo (1991) nr. 27; Van Kalveen (1997) 158-160; 163-167; Van Vliet (2002) 394; Armbrust (2003) 77-78
Third Order: -
Monasticon Batavum: II 189 nr. 9
MeMO: 925
Van Deventer: kapel; 'Albe domine'; [18]
National monument:
Coordinates: 137/456
Archaeological Monument: 12314 (tc)
Archaeological Status: vhav
Archaeological Activities: archeological inquiry 2015 in the area next to the convent
Archaeological Publication: Van der Kamp (2017)
First mention: 1226
Last mention: 1797
ENK code: ME-Z097-032

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