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Utrecht, Benedictine Nuns: Oostbroek
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Parish: Utrecht-Nicolaas
Municipality: De Bilt
Patron Saint: Our Lady and Laurentius
Alias: Vrouwenklooster. Nieuw Bethlehem. De Bilt
Diocese: Utrecht
Diocese II: Utrecht
Province: Nedersticht
Province II: Utrecht
Gender: f
Development: (a) Benedictine Nuns at Oostbroek (De Bilt) 1113*
(b) from 1356/60* onwards free choice of prioress (c) raised into an Abbey 1503*
(d) transformation into a Protestant college of Secular Canonesses recruited from among the nobility, under the authority of the Knighthood, in1580*: Buildings demolished in 1585*. The replacement of Catholic by Protestant Ladies took several decades.
Filiation: branched off from Oostbroek (U03)
End of monastic life: dissolution 1797/8*.
Narrative Sources (CK): 325
Narrative Sources (NS): NL0210; NL0350; NL0351
Manuscripts (SV): -
Archives: 1005-4
Literature: Van Kalveen (1997) 152-154; 163-167; Van Moolenbroek (2003/2006); Doedens and Looijesteijn(2010); Broer (2011) 153-169
Third Order: -
Monasticon Batavum: III 120-121 nr. 4
MeMO: 566
Van Deventer: not
National monument:
Coordinates: 141/457
Archaeological Monument: 2207
Archaeological Status: hav
Archaeological Activities: finds 1953; observation 1966; excav 1970 (find of well); excav 1995; survey 2004; surveillance 2011
Archaeological Publication: Halbertsma BKNOB 1966, 74; JbOU 1966, 144; AKU 1970-79, 12; 1994/5, 60-63; Kolman (1994); Briels (2013)
First mention: 1113
Last mention: 1797
ENK code: ME-Z011-022

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