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Stavoren, Benedictines: Sint Odulphus
St Odulph's Abbey is submerged in the Zuyderzee. We have to content ourselves with this street name sign, itself past its prime. Full Map on Geoplaza.
Parish: Stavoren
Municipality: Súdwest-Fryslân
Patron Saint: Odulphus
Alias: -
Diocese: Utrecht
Diocese II: -
Province: Friesland
Province II:
Gender: m/f, later m
Development: (a) the chapter (kap48; 9th century) is replaced by a double monastery of Benedictine Monks and Nuns 1132*
(b) after Hemelum (H54) branched off, only Benedictine Monks remain
(c) transfer to a location with the walls of Stavoren 1398/1415*
(d) reunification with Hemelum (H54) and reform (Bursfeld) 1495*
Filiation: the first inhabitants came from Oostbroek (U03)
End of monastic life: see H54
Narrative Sources (CK): cp. 69
Narrative Sources (NS): cp. NL0112
Manuscripts (SV): -
Archives: Leeuwarden, Tresoar: 232-23
Literature: Mol (1991a) 32; 115; Mol in: BiN I, 724-729; Mol and Van Vliet (1998); Van Vliet (2002) 117/8; 191-193; 261-262; 367-370 ; Mol (2002); Roemeling (2013) 103; 110-111; 124; 131; 139; 144; 196-211
Third Order: -
Monasticon Batavum: III 110-113
MeMO: 758
Van Deventer: not
National monument:
Coordinates: 152/544B
Archaeological Monument:
Archaeological Status:
Archaeological Activities: diving 1999; sonar- and echo inquiry 2000; sonar inquiry 2005 (negative)
Archaeological Publication: Zandstra (2010)
First mention: 1132
Last mention: 1495
ENK code: ME-P003-094; ME-Z011-016

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