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Sint Pieter, Friars Minor : Lichtenberg
Remains of the onvent of the Observant Franciscans (Slavante), which was inhabited again from 1638/40 onwards after a period of decay. Full Map on Geoplaza.
Parish: Sint Pieter
Municipality: Maastricht
Patron Saint: Mons Divinae Gratiae
Alias: Lichtenberg (= Mount of Light). Slavante (derived from 'Observanten')
Diocese: Liège
Diocese II: Luik
Province: Liège
Province II: Luik
Gender: m
Development: (a) Observant Franciscans 1457* under the vicar-provincial of Cologne
(b) observant province of Cologne 1517*
(c) province of Lower Germany 1529*
(d) devastated 1578*; it is not clear whether the convent was inhabited afterwards
(e) in 1639* refounded and manned by Friars from Maastricht, see M06
Filiation: founded within the framework of the Obervant movement
End of monastic life: 1578*
Narrative Sources (CK): -
Narrative Sources (NS): -
Manuscripts (SV): -
Literature: Schoengen (1927) 30-31; Van Heel (1951); Ubachs and Evers (2005) 486; De Kok (2007) 109; 157; 195; Hoebens (2017) nr. 7.16
Third Order: -
Monasticon Batavum: I 133 + S 104 s.v. Lichtenberg
MeMO: 818
Van Deventer: -
National monument: 27975
Coordinates: 176/315A
Archaeological Monument: 8511
Archaeological Status: hav
Archaeological Activities:
Archaeological Publication: Derks (1989) 265
First mention: 1457
Last mention: 1578
ENK code: ME-P022-041

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