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Schelluinen, Teutonic Order
This church occupies the place of the medieval parish church which was served by the commandry. N.b. the adjacent manor Schelluinderberg is not identical with the commandry! Full Map on Geoplaza.
Parish: Schelluinen
Municipality: Giessenlanden
Patron Saint: -
Alias: -
Diocese: Utrecht
Diocese II: Utrecht
Province: Holland
Province II:
Gender: m
Development: commandry of the Teutonic Order 1220?*
Filiation: dependent on Utrecht (U08)
End of monastic life: 1576* (after this year members of the Order were absent from the commandry)
Narrative Sources (CK): -
Narrative Sources (NS): -
Manuscripts (SV): -
Archives: ARDOU, OA inv. 2475-2582
Literature: Zuidervaart (1988); J. van de Ven in: BiN I, 690-692 (with bibliography); Mol (2011) 303/4
Third Order: -
Monasticon Batavum: II 169
MeMO: -
Van Deventer:
National monument:
Coordinates: 123/428B
Archaeological Monument:
Archaeological Status:
Archaeological Activities:
Archaeological Publication:
First mention: 1220
Last mention: 1576
ENK code: ME-V018-019

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