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Rinsumageest, Cistercians: Klaarkamp
Precious archaeological remains of Klaarkamp are lying directly beneath the surface Full Map on Geoplaza.
Parish: Rinsumageest
Municipality: Dantumadiel
Patron Saint: Our Lady
Alias: Klaarkamp (= Clear Field)
Diocese: Utrecht
Diocese II: Leeuwarden
Province: Friesland
Province II:
Gender: m
Development: (a) first effort of foundation in East-Frisia (ca. 1155)
(b) settlement of Cistercians in Frisia West-of-Lauwers 1163-65*
Filiation: Abbey, incorporated into the Order as daughter of Clairvaux
End of monastic life: 1580*
Narrative Sources (CK): cp. 269
Narrative Sources (NS): vgl. NL0498
Manuscripts (SV): -
Archives: Leeuwarden, Tresoar: 235-01
Literature: Woltjer (1962) 70; Praamstra and Boersma (1977); Mol (1991a) 32; 115; Mol (1991b); Mol (1996b); Roemeling (2013) 111; 139; Boers (2014); Holt (2015) 98-105
Third Order: -
Monasticon Batavum: III 96-97
MeMO: -
Van Deventer:
National monument: 531047
Coordinates: 191/592C
Archaeological Monument: 7563
Archaeological Status: vhav
Archaeological Activities: excav 1939 and 1950; survey+drill inquiry 2006; evaluative inquiry (test inquiry) 2010
Archaeological Publication: Ottema (1947) 454/5; Praamstra and Boersma (1977); Boersma (1978); Marinelli (2006); Doesburg and Stöver (2012)
First mention: 1163
Last mention: 1580
ENK code: ME-P006-077

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