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Raamsdonk, Carthusians: Het Hollandse Huis
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Parish: Raamsdonk
Municipality: Geertruidenberg
Patron Saint: OLV
Alias: Holland House near Geertruidenberg
Diocese: Liège
Diocese II: 's-Hertogenbosch
Province: Holland
Province II:
Gender: m
Development: Carthusians 1336*
Filiation: in the foundational period arrival of monks from Antwerp (B), Herne (B) and Valenciennes (F)
End of monastic life: Demolition and dispossession 1573*; the monks receive a pension but continue living in community: wanderings to Catharinadal (G02), to Breda and surroundings, back to Geertruidenberg. In 1595* the prior is discharged.
Narrative Sources (CK): -
Narrative Sources (NS): -
Manuscripts (SV): 440
Archives: Den Bosch, BHIC: 240
Literature: Gruijs (1975) 187-191; Sanders (1990); J.G.M. Sanders in: Schlegel en Hogg (2005) 153-160 s.v. Geertruidenberg; ill.. 46-51
Third Order: -
Monasticon Batavum: III 24 nr. 2 s..v. Breda; 45 nr. 1 s.v. Geertruidenberg
MeMO: 584
Van Deventer: net map Geertruidenberg: chapel, buildings and moat; 'Cartusienses'
National monument: 45431, 45970
Coordinates: 119/411A
Archaeological Monument: 549+15307
Archaeological Status: vhavp
Archaeological Activities: drill inquiry 1962; excav 1964; excav 2001; geophysical inquiry 2004; inquiry 2005; surveillance 2007
Archaeological Publication: Van Kempen (2005b); Jordanov (2008)
First mention: 1336
Last mention: 1595
ENK code: ME-P016-006

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