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Ootmarsum, Canons Regular: Albergen
This bronze maquette has been placed in 2011 by the Werkgroep Sint-Antoniusklooster in front of the (modern) Albergen parish church Full Map on Geoplaza.
Parish: Ootmarsum
Municipality: Tubbergen
Patron Saint: Anthony
Alias: Albergen
Diocese: Utrecht
Diocese II: Deventer
Province: Oversticht
Province II:
Gender: m
Development: (a) Brethren of the Common Life 1406*
(b) Canons Regular 1447*; Chapter of Windesheim
Filiation: founded with the help of the Brethren at Zwolle (Z28)
End of monastic life: 1582*: possessions confiscated
Narrative Sources (CK): 97; 127; 241; 308; 375; 379
Narrative Sources (NS): NL0159; NL0166; NL0167; NL0193; NL0205; NL0218; NL0219
Manuscripts (SV): 3-4
Archives: Zwolle, HCO: 186
Literature: Kuiper [1959]; Ten Cate (1961); Mon. Wind. III, 51-72; Schildkamp a.o. (1995); Weiler (1997) 77-81; Hesselink-Van der Riet (2001); Mon. Fratrum VC III, 41-49
Third Order: -
Monasticon Batavum: II 9-10 s.v. Albergen nrs. 1 and 2
MeMO: 472
Van Deventer:
National monument:
Coordinates: 249/488A
Archaeological Monument: 13384
Archaeological Status: av
Archaeological Activities: [find of grain barn at Almelo 1970]; excav 1979; 1985; 1993
Archaeological Publication: Hesselink-van der Riet (1979); Kolks (1979); Hesselink-van der Riet and Verlinde (1980); Verlinde (1980); Hesselink-van der Riet (1989)
First mention: 1406
Last mention: 1582
ENK code: ME-P041-003

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