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Nunhem, Canons Regular: Elisabethsdal
This staircase turret, originally annex to the refectory, is one of the few remains of the convent buildings Full Map on Geoplaza.
Parish: Nunhem
Municipality: Leudal
Patron Saint: Elisabeth
Alias: Elisabethsdal (= St Elisabeth's Vale)
Diocese: Liège
Diocese II: Roermond
Province: seigniory Horn
Province II: Luik
Gender: m
Development: (a) Caulites ca 1240
(b) transition to the status of Canons Regular and incorporation into the Chapter of Windesheim 1435*
(c) after an interruption between 1578 and ca 1603 the existence as convent of Canons Regular is continued
Filiation: the founder, Dirk Lord of Horne, was in direct contact with the motherhouse of the Caulites in Val des Choux (F); in 1435 placed under the supervision of the prior of Windesheim (Z29)
End of monastic life: 1797*
Narrative Sources (CK): 216A
Narrative Sources (NS): D024
Manuscripts (SV): -
Archives: Maastricht, RHCL: 14.D035
Literature: Mon. Wind. III, 351-371; Klaversma (1978); Schutgens (1979); Adamo (2014) 102/3; Hoebens (2017) nr. 3.18
Third Order: -
Monasticon Batavum: II 136; III 87
MeMO: 492
Van Deventer:
National monument: 19977
Coordinates: 193/362B
Archaeological Monument:
Archaeological Status:
Archaeological Activities:
Archaeological Publication:
First mention: 1240
Last mention: 1797
ENK code: ME-P041-043

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