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Nijmegen, Knights Hospitaller
The Commanderie of St John has been rebuilt practically from scratch after the allied bombardment of 1944 Full Map on Geoplaza.
Parish: Nijmegen
Municipality: Nijmegen
Patron Saint: -
Alias: -
Diocese: Cologne
Diocese II: Roermond
Province: Guelders
Province II:
Gender: m
Development: (a) Knights Hospitaller, maybe settled originally at Hernen, in 1214* acquire the hospital which had been founded in 1196*
(b) from the end of the 15th century onwards under the same commander as Arnhem (A48)
Filiation: dependent on the commandry of Arnhem (A48)
End of monastic life: (1578) 1638
Narrative Sources (CK): -
Narrative Sources (NS): -
Manuscripts (SV): -
Archives: -
Literature: Hoefer and Van Veen (1910) 296-303; Van Beresteyn (1934) 68-70; Maris (1939) 330-355; Gorissen (1956) 116; Lemmens (1974); N.N. (1975); Van Schaïk (1987) 298; Kuys and Bots (2005) 167-169; 505-518; Versélewel de Witt Hamer (2009c)
Third Order: -
Monasticon Batavum: II 91 s.v. Hernen; II 142 nr. 13
MeMO: -
Van Deventer: chapel; [11]
National monument: 31123
Coordinates: 188/429
Archaeological Monument: 12653 (tc)
Archaeological Status: av
Archaeological Activities:
Archaeological Publication:
First mention: 1214
Last mention: 1638
ENK code: ME-P056-022

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