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Leiden, Tertiaries: Margaretha/ Roomburg
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Parish: Leiden - St Peter
Municipality: Leiden
Patron Saint: Margaretha
Alias: Roomburg
Diocese: Utrecht
Diocese II: Utrecht
Province: Holland
Province II:
Gender: f
Development: (a) Sisters 1398*; Leiden, Our Lady's churchyardf
(b) Tertiaries 1400; Chapter of Utrecht
(c) transfer from Our Lady's churchyard to Maredijk 1404*
(d) enclosure 1448
(e) transfer to Zoeterwoude district (still within the parish of Leiden - St Peter) 1464*
Filiation: no involvmenet of another convent recorded
End of monastic life: 1572*
Narrative Sources (CK): -
Narrative Sources (NS): -
Manuscripts (SV): 745-749
Archives: RegA Leiden: Kloosters inv. 1472-1652
Literature: Van Heel (1939) nr. 53; Van Luijk (2000); Van Luijk (2004) 32; 49; 113-121 and passim; Van Engen (2006) passim
Third Order: 112
Monasticon Batavum: I 129-130 nr. 7; S 101 nr. 4; II 114 nr. 14
MeMO: -
Van Deventer: main map: chapel, buildings and moat; 'Roomburg'; [24]
National monument: 45576
Coordinates: 96/463C
Archaeological Monument: 4038 + 850
Archaeological Status: partly protected
Archaeological Activities: excav 1927; 1977; drill 1977; test inquiry 1995/6; excav 1999-2000; inquiry 2003; for the early location see also L19
Archaeological Publication: H 2000, 374-375; Oude Rengerink (1994); Van Kempen (1999); Polak, Van Doesburg and Van Kempen (2005); Brandenburgh (2006) 79-80
First mention: 1398
Last mention: 1572
ENK code: ME-Z207-083

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