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Haarlem, Knights Hospitaller
The Janskerk, the church of the Hospitallers, now houses Noord-Hollands Archief (North Holland record Office) Full Map on Geoplaza.
Parish: Haarlem-Bavo
Municipality: Haarlem
Patron Saint: John the Baptist
Alias: -
Diocese: Utrecht
Diocese II: Haarlem
Province: Holland
Province II:
Gender: m
Development: Knights Hospitaller 1310*
Filiation: founded by St Catherine's convent in Utrecht (U05); during the years 1391-1469 detached from Utrecht and placed directly under the prior of Germany
End of monastic life: after a pseudo-agreement with the town government in 1582* independent management of possessions until the decease of the last commander in 1625*
Narrative Sources (CK): -
Narrative Sources (NS): -
Manuscripts (SV): 528
Archives: NHA, inventory 2123 nrs. 1-388; 432-440
Literature: Beresteyn (1934) 53-63; Van Bueren (1993) passim; Cerutti (2007); Versélewel de Witt Hamer (2009b); Mol (2011) 112-119; 126/7
Third Order: 288
Monasticon Batavum: II 82 nr. 12
MeMO: -
Van Deventer: chapel; [14]
National monument: 19332
Coordinates: 104/488A
Archaeological Monument: 13913 (tc)
Archaeological Status: hav
Archaeological Activities: inquiry 1974-1975; office inquiry 2014
Archaeological Publication: Van Greevenbroek (1977); Van der Zee (2015)
First mention: 1310
Last mention: 1625
ENK code: ME-P056-012

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