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Groningen, Heilige Geestgasthuis
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Parish: Groningen-Martinus
Municipality: Groningen
Patron Saint: Holy Ghost
Alias: Pelstergasthuis (= Pelster Hospital)
Diocese: Utrecht
Diocese II: -
Province: Oversticht
Province II:
Gender: m/f
Development: (a) hospital founded before1267 and served by religious brothers
(b) in 1396* additionally sisters are mentioned
(c) in 1475* they appear to follow the Third Rule of St Francis
Filiation: no details available
End of monastic life: a 1555 regulation shows that the religious community did not exist any more
Narrative Sources (CK): -
Narrative Sources (NS): -
Manuscripts (SV): -
Archives: -
Literature: Van Engen (2006) 69 n. 33; Nip (2016)
Third Order: -
Monasticon Batavum: -
MeMO: -
Van Deventer: chapel; 'Hospitale'; [12]
National monument:
Coordinates: 234/582
Archaeological Monument: 8789 (tc)
Archaeological Status: hav
Archaeological Activities: surveillance 2005
Archaeological Publication: Hielkema and Tuinstra (2007)
First mention: 1267
Last mention: 1555
ENK code: ME-Z074-004

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