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Ermelo, Knights Hospitaller: 's-Heerenloo
'Linnaeus tower' in Harderwijk originally belonged to the urban refuge of s-Heerenloo commandry Full Map on Geoplaza.
Parish: Ermelo
Municipality: Ermelo
Patron Saint: Sint Jansdal (=St John's Vale)
Alias: 's-Heerenloo
Diocese: Utrecht
Diocese II: Deventer
Province: Guelders
Province II:
Gender: m
Development: (a) commandry of Knights Hospitaller 1307
Filiation: founded by and dependent on St Catharine's cConvent Utrecht (U05)
End of monastic life: 1581*: dispossession
Narrative Sources (CK): -
Narrative Sources (NS): -
Manuscripts (SV): -
Archives: Harderwijk, StrA Noordwest-Veluwe: OA Harderwijk inv. 1052-1053
Literature: Hoefer and Van Veen (1910) 303-308; Maris (1939) 204; Mars (1980); Beijer and Van Dijk (1988); Van Schaïk (1987) 302;Versélewel de Witt Hamer (2012c); Mol (2012) 108
Third Order: -
Monasticon Batavum: II 64-65
MeMO: -
Van Deventer:
National monument: 15364
Coordinates: 169/481D
Archaeological Monument:
Archaeological Status:
Archaeological Activities: drill inquiry 2005
Archaeological Publication:
First mention: 1307
Last mention: 1581
ENK code: ME-P056-008

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