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Domburg, Hospitaller Knights and Nuns
Minicamping Sint Jan ten Heere preserves the memory of the Hospitallers Full Map on Geoplaza.
Parish: Domburg
Municipality: Veere
Patron Saint: St John the Baptist?
Alias: Kerkwerve. Sint Jan ten Heere
Diocese: Utrecht
Diocese II: Middelburg
Province: Zeeland
Province II:
Gender: f, later m/f
Development: double monastery of Hospitaller Knights and Nuns 1317* by the integration of the Benedictine Nuns of Werendijke (W19)
Filiation: founded by and dependent on St Catharine's Convent at Utrecht (U05), integrating the Benedictine Nuns of Werendijke (W19)
End of monastic life: demolished 1572*; sold 1578*
Narrative Sources (CK): -
Narrative Sources (NS): -
Manuscripts (SV): -
Archives: -
Literature: Van Beresteyn (1934) 46-48; Suir (1985) 7; Mol (2011) 120-122; Versélewel de Witt Hamer (2012a)
Third Order: -
Monasticon Batavum: II 59
MeMO: -
Van Deventer:
National monument: 13206*
Archaeological Monument: 970 (mound)
Archaeological Status: vhavp
Archaeological Activities: find 1956
Archaeological Publication: Bulletin KNOB 9 (1956) 57
First mention: 1317
Last mention: 1578
ENK code: ME-Z204-004

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