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Boxmeer, Carmelites
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Parish: Boxmeer
Municipality: Boxmeer
Patron Saint: Holy Sacrament
Alias: -
Diocese: -
Diocese II: Roermond
Province: -
Province II: Seigniory Boxmeer
Gender: m
Development: (a) 1653* founded by count Albert van den Bergh and assigned to the Belgian province
(b) in 1663* to the provinci of Flemish Belgium
(c) 1812* suppression by Napoleon
(d) return 1814*
Filiation: the first inhabitants arrived from Geldern (G) or Antwerp (B)
End of monastic life: this monastery still exists, see Erfgoedcentrum Nederlands Kloosterleven P014
Narrative Sources (CK): --
Narrative Sources (NS): -
Manuscripts (SV): -
Archives: in the monastery
Literature: Van Liebergen (1987) 24-36; 93-97; BiN II 144-155; Jacobs (2011) 46-95 with extensive bibliography; database 'Kloosters in Nederland'(ENK) P014
Third Order: -
Monasticon Batavum: III 22 nr. 1
MeMO: -
Van Deventer: -
National monument: 10031 (chapel); 10032 (neighbouring parish church)
Coordinates: 194/407D
Archaeological Monument: -
Archaeological Status: -
Archaeological Activities: -
Archaeological Publication: -
First mention: 1653
Last mention: 2019
ENK code: ME-P014-900

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