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Boxtel, Poor Clares: Sint-Elisabethsdal
This gate in Boxtel was the access to the Poor Clares' convent Full Map on Geoplaza.
Parish: Boxtel
Municipality: Boxtel
Patron Saint: -
Alias: Elisabethsdal (- St Elisabeth's Vale). In Megen: Sint-Josephsberg (= St Joseph's Mount)
Diocese: Liège
Diocese II: 's-Hertogenbosch
Province: Brabant
Province II: Megen
Gender: f
Development: (a) Tertiaries1472*
(b) Poor Clares 1513*
(c) 1580-1611* stay at 's-Hertogenbosch, afterwards return
(d) 1648* extinction ordered, nevertheless continued,
( e) permission tomsettle at Herpen in the Land of Ravenstein 1696* was not followed up
(f) expelled 1717*, the sisters depart for Hoogstraten (B)
(g) 1719-1725* settlement at the area of Megen castle
Filiation: transformation into convent of Poor Clares with the help of the Observant convent at Hoogstraten (B)
End of monastic life: the convent at Megen survived the suppression by the French and still exists
Narrative Sources (CK): -
Narrative Sources (NS): -
Manuscripts (SV): -
Archives: kept in the convent, but digitally accessible via BHIC, inventory 2131
Literature: Van Wely (1962) 323: founded by sisters from Bree; Van Liebergen (1987) 69-77; 110-112; Roggen (1995) 221-228
Third Order: -
Monasticon Batavum: I 42-43 nrs. 2 and 3; I 109 s.v. 's-Hertogenbosch nr. 6; I 145 s.v. Megen nr. 2; S 33-34 nrs. 2 and 3; S 113 s.v. Megen nr. 2; I 105 s.v. Herpen
MeMO: -
Van Deventer:
National monument:
Coordinates: 151/400A
Archaeological Monument: 16803 (dorpkern)
Archaeological Status: hav
Archaeological Activities: surveillance 2007 (Megen); office and drill inquiry 2015, negative
Archaeological Publication: Sueur and Brijker (2015)
First mention: 1472
Last mention: 2019
ENK code: ME-Z019-003; ME-Z019-900

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