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Arnhem, Tertiaries: Catharinagasthuis
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Parish: Arnhem
Municipality: Arnhem
Patron Saint: Catharinagasthuis (= St Catherine's Hospital)
Alias: -
Diocese: Utrecht
Diocese II: Utrecht
Province: Guelders
Province II:
Gender: f
Development: (a) convent possibly with a monastic character 1330
(b) Tertiaries with pastoral care provided by the Observant Franciscans 1516*
Filiation: no involvement of another convent known
End of monastic life: 1581: habit deposed
Narrative Sources (CK): -
Narrative Sources (NS): -
Manuscripts (SV): -
Archives: -
Literature: Van Schaïk (1987) 302; Leppink (1996) 231-249; Goudriaan (1998) nr. 28; Van Engen (2006) 69 nt. 33; Kuys (2008) 232
Third Order: -
Monasticon Batavum: I 37 nr 4; S 24 nr. 5
MeMO: -
Van Deventer: chapel; 'Hospitale'; [14]
National monument:
Coordinates: 191/444CD
Archaeological Monument: 13197 (tc)
Archaeological Status: hav
Archaeological Activities:
Archaeological Publication:
First mention: 1330
Last mention: 1581
ENK code: MR-Z207-015

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