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Akkrum, Male and Female Tertiaries: Aalsum
Present-day Aalsum, formerly a mound, is no more than a country lane leading to a recreation area bordering the Prinses Margrietkanaal. Full Map on Geoplaza.
Parish: Akkrum
Municipality: Leeuwarden
Patron Saint: Maria in Bethlehem
Alias: Aalsum. Grauwe begijnen (- Grey Beguines)
Diocese: Utrecht
Diocese II: Leeuwarden
Province: Friesland
Province II:
Gender: m/f
Development: (a) Brethren and Sisters 1422
(b) Third Order of St Francis in 1435; the character of a double convent of Male and Female Tertiaries is apparent from the data discussed in Waller Zeper (1924)
Filiation: no details available
End of monastic life: 1580
Narrative Sources (CK): -
Narrative Sources (NS): -
Manuscripts (SV): -
Archives: Leeuwarden, Tresoar: 234-01
Literature: Waller Zeper (1924); Mol (1991) 141; Van Engen (2006) 166; Roemeling (2013) 116
Third Order: 1
Monasticon Batavum: I 13; S 9
MeMO: -
Van Deventer:
National monument:
Coordinates: 183/565D
Archaeological Monument: 14895
Archaeological Status: vhav
Archaeological Activities: levelling of the mound 1930
Archaeological Publication: Ottema (1947) 453-454
First mention: 1422
Last mention: 1580
ENK code: ME-P060-001; ME-Z207-001

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